Monday, September 6, 2010

Get back on the horse

This is a journey because if I had mastered the art of saving money by now, I wouldn't be in the position of having to keep a tight budget.  The biggest reason that we fail in our budgeted spending is that we love to be out and eat out.  We went to the beach one night last week and didn't really think about dinner.  Around 5:30pm our toddler started to get cranky, and we were just coming off the beach.  We were all getting hungry for dinner and it occurred to me that we would be getting home around 6pm or so, then I would need to cook something for dinner and we may not eat until 7pm.  Way too late for our little one and we were not wanting to wait either.  Across the street is Fudruckers, which is against both of our mantras lately:  Eat Healthy and Save Money.  So we totally blew it.  We spend $26.00 on hamburgers and fries for 3 people.  It was yummy, but it came with the feeling of regret afterward. 

I refuse to beat myself up for these off track events, that is exactly why it is a journey for us and now we just need to get back on that horse and keep going forward.  This week I will try to be a little tighter on my grocery shopping because of our splurge, and keep trying to find additional ways to cut my budget. 

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